We also got some good news about Jamie's stay at St. David's - we may be leaving soon... like in two weeks soon. She's nowhere near being done with rehabilitation, but I think they said that we can work as an outpatient sometime soon. Also, we shouldn't get too much ahead of ourselves, because Jamie still has to go back to Houston for the flap procedure on her right hand, and some subsequent shaping procedures on both... There's still some hope that Dr. Boutros can come to Austin, but he's only here every so often, so we won't raise our expectations for that...
Anyway, the main reason I'm writing today, is because I want to put the finishing touches on an amazing week for Jamie by telling you about her visit by Aaron Behrens. He's the front man, lead vocalist and general dance machine in Ghostland Observatory. Together, he and Thomas Turner, are pioneering a genre of music that I haven't really seen before. You should check out their videos online sometime or check out their shows if you can. According to Jamie and her friends, they're indescribable. (Yeah, that's Ghostland with the UT Band... your eyes don't deceive you).
[For some background Jamie's insane, but totally justified, devotion to Ghostland Observatory, see our previous post, which is right below this one on the blog...] I told everyone that Thomas Turner was a really nice guy and down to earth, and Aaron Behrens was just as cool but in a completely different way. They're definitely a yin-yang kind of pairing, but that's usually the case with the best pairings.
So, of course, Aaron walked into Jamie's hospital room where Jamie's girlfriends were waiting for him. (Note to self: Start world-famous musical duo) He had a little surprise
One last note about our meeting with Aaron Behrens. If you don't know about Ghostland Observatory and you still haven't clicked on the links I've provided to their websites/videos, you need to know that Aaron is known for his energetic (kinetic?) dance moves. Just all over the place. Jamie is also all about dancing. She's a groove machine, and is going to have to relearn her old moves (in addition to developing some moves that can only be performed by someone with two BK amputations). Well, Aaron laid down the gauntlet for Jaime: a Dance-Off at ACL, on October 3, 2009, in the final hours before Jamie's 21st birthday. Aaron Behrens vs. Jamie Schanbaum! This is who she's up against:
Thank you Aaron and Thomas, you've done more for Jamie and for us than we could have imagined. We hope to see you around, and we'll see you for sure at the Whitewater Festival (if that's what its called) in July and at ACL in October!! You guys are amazing!
1 comment:
Hi Patsy, You probably don't remember me (Hailey Woldt's mom Susan) but I got the Greenhill magazine and read about Jamie's illness. I'm so sorry she's gone through this and I know it has to be really a challenge for you and the kids. It sounds like she's making good progress and in good spirits. She obviously has alot of courage and the love and support of her family is apparent in the photos on the blog. I'm still in Austin and if I can do anything for you or the kids, please let me know. My email is: susanw78731@yahoo.com. Thinking of you all, Susan Woldt
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