Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 - More videos and pics of Jamie!

Hey everyone! Look at me, I'm actually posting when I said I would. First, I'll hit on a few of the developments that have happened (or are happening) from the past few weeks.

First, Jamie is spending a lot more of her time walking around on her prosthetics. I'd say that she has her legs on 25% of the time now. She also has a fun rolling-walker that she can use, which doubles as a seat for her. It's one of those cool walkers that you see people use at grocery stores and whatnot. Very useful. Even though her residual limbs are still pretty sore when she walks around, she's getting more and more comfortable. In fact, those little stumps are getting littler. As had been told to us many times, her stumps are shrinking pretty quickly. She'll start the day wearing 6-plys of socks on one leg, and then, by the end of the day, she'll need an additional couple of plys. (If you aren't up to speed on the whole "6-plys" conversation, on each of her stumps, before it is slid into her prosthetic, Jaime puts socks on. But, unlike regular socks, these socks are numbered to indicate how thick they are - 1-ply for the thinnest, 3-ply, 5-ply are thicker. So, as Jamie's legs shrink throughout the day and/or the week she will adjust her socks accordingly... so that's some fun info about socks...)

Here's another fun little update. The kind folks at Taco Shack in Austin (are they elsewhere too? they should be) - whose owner is a member of our tailgating group, the Happy Hookers - has offered to put donation jars in all of his stores, with the donations going directly to Jamie!! Pretty wonderful, right? I'm not sure how long they will be in the stores, but they will be there until at least the Texas Tech game on the 19th. We are honored by these kinds of efforts being done on Jamie's behalf. Thank you so much!!!!

(Also, did you notice Jamie has been posting lately. I LOVE IT!)

So, here's the videos I promised after yesterday's post took way too long to upload:

First, some leg presses -

Next, some balancing exercises:

And now, Jamie walking away from me... look how far away she is!

That's all for now! Talk to you all later!

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